Sulfation Roasting of Nickel Oxide–Sulfide Mixed Ore ...
Abstract: Sulfation roasting, a common activation technique, is a potential method for cleaner production of nickel from complex low-grade ores. In this study, nickel oxide–sulfide mixed ore concentrate was roasted with the addition of ammonium sulfate under a static air atmosphere,

Sulphatising Roasting Of Nickel Concentrate | …
Sulphatising Roasting Of Nickel Concentrate Pyrometallurgical process for smelting nickel and nickel … The smelting of nickel concentrates are described in "The Winning of Nickel" by Paul Queneau, … The slag from the roasting and smelting circuit is discarded.

Fluidized Bed Selective Oxidation-Sulfation Roasting of ...
Sulfation roasting to treat nickeliferous sulfide ores or low grade concentrates 45 was investigated in the period from 1960s to 1990s [7-16]. In general, the sulfation roasting process 46 suffers from the drawbacks of slow kinetics and low recovery of non-ferrous metals, Ni in particular, due 47 to the formation of nickel ferrite (NiFe 2

Fluidized Bed Selective Oxidation-Sulfation Roasting of ...
19 Keywords: Fluidized bed, Sulfation roasting, Nickel concentrate, Pentlandite, Leaching 20 21 1. Introduction 22 Currently, the roasting-electric furnace smelting-converting route is used at two nickel smelters in Canada 23 to treat nickel concentrate to produce a nickel-rich matte. The roasters use air to oxidize the sulfides at 24 around 973 K (700 °C), which are then fed to an electric ...

Roasting of Nickel Concentrates - researchgate.net
01.08.2010 · Isothermal roasting tests were carried out on the concentrates over the temperature range of 673K (400°C) to 1123K (850°C). When heated in air, the samples gain mass as a result of sulfate ...

sulphatising roasting of nickel concentrate | …
A maximum of 81% recovery of nickel was attained by roasting the … the concentrate has been subjected to sulphatizing roasting … roasting (metallurgy) — Britannica Online Encyclopedia Once a concentrate has been produced containing copper … in which nickel is recovered from solution using … the roasting of concentrates is achieved in …

Roasting of Nickel Concentrates
Roasting of Nickel Concentrates The oxidation of three nickel concentrates from two Canadian smelters was studied by thermogravimetric analysis. Concentrate samples were heated to 1223 K (950 °C) in inert or oxidizing atmospheres to determine the reaction behavior. By recording the mass change as well as the SO2 content in the outlet gas, the oxidation behaviors were quantified. Isothermal ...

Efficient Synchronous Extraction of Nickel, …
18.06.2020 · In this work, we investigated the sulfation roasting of low‒nickel matte at the condition of sodium sulfate added, then transferring nickel, copper, and cobalt to the aqueous solution by water...

Roasting Of Copper And Nickel Ore And Ore …
roasting of copper and nickel ore and ore concentrates; roasting of copper and nickel ore and ore concentrates. ... A method of roasting copper-iron-sulphide ore concentrate or mixture, wherein the ratio of sulphur values to copper values is preferably at least one, to yield a... Nickel: smelting, producing-Metalpedia . Nickel is recovered through extractive metallurgy: it is extracted from ...

Roasting (metallurgy) - Wikipedia
Roasting is a process of heating of sulphide ore to a high temperature in presence of air. It is a step of the processing of certain ores. More specifically, roasting is a metallurgical process involving gas–solid reactions at elevated temperatures with the goal of purifying the metal component. Often before roasting, the ore has already been partially purified, e.g. by froth flotation. The concentrate is mixed …

A nitric acid route for processing a nickel/copper ...
01.01.1978 · Roasting of the sulphide concentrate prior to acid leaching was found to be equally effective in obtaining high nickel extraction. However, the extent of recovery was strongly dependent on the roasting temperatures used. For good nickel recovery from the present sulphide concentrate the optimum roasting temperature appeared to be between 450 and 500. Roasting beyond this …

Investigations of maximum use conditions of …
Download Citation | Investigations of maximum use conditions of stone reactions heat at sulphatizing roasting of rough copper sulphide concentrate | The stone describes the results of ...

Nickel: smelting, producing-Metalpedia
Most sulfide deposits have traditionally been processed by concentration through a froth flotation process followed by pyrometallurgical extraction. In hydrometallurgical processes, nickel sulfide ores undergo flotation (differential flotation if Ni/Fe ratio is too low) and then smelted.

US2616781A - Treatment of nickeliferous oxide …
Treatment of nickeliferous oxide concentrates for recovery of nickel values therefrom Download PDF Info Publication number US2616781A. US2616781A US65798A US6579848A US2616781A US 2616781 A US2616781 A US 2616781A US 65798 A US65798 A US 65798A US 6579848 A US6579848 A US 6579848A US 2616781 A US2616781 A US 2616781A Authority US United States Prior art keywords nickel …

Chloridizing Roasting Process for a Complex …
This stone describes a chloridizing roasting process applied to two types of nickel and copper-bearing sulfide concentrates. One was copper rich and the other nickel rich. The stone gives a full account of the process as investigated in various batch roasters, and in multiple hearth and rotary roasters. For commercial viability, the stone finally examines the rotary furnace as the preferred …

Copper extraction - Wikipedia
Copper extraction refers to the methods used to obtain copper from its ores.The conversion of copper consists of a series of physical and electrochemical processes. Methods have evolved and vary with country depending on the ore source, local environmental regulations, and other factors.. As in all mining operations, the ore must usually be beneficiated (concentrated).

Working Principle Of Nickel Concentrate Crushing …
Sulphatising Roasting Of Nickel Concentrate Crusher Nickel concentrate is heated in fluidized bed until nio toronto june 17 2013 royal nickel confirms economic and toronto june 17 2013 bankable feasibility study delivers over 1 billion npv 8 relocated the mill to a larger rock outcrop helping to reduce

Physicochemical characterization and …
In this study, nickel oxide–sulfide mixed ore concentrate was roasted with the addition of ammonium sulfate under a static air atmosphere, and the roasted products were leached by water, in ...

Roasting | metallurgy | Britannica
In nickel processing: From sulfide ores …another, the matte may be roasted to produce high-grade nickel oxides; these are subjected to a pressure leach, and the solution is electro- and carbonyl refined. In electrorefining, the nickel is deposited onto pure nickel cathodes from sulfate or chloride solutions.