The upper paleozoic pebbly mudstone facies of peninsular ...
The Upper Paleozoic pebbly mudstone facies of peninsular Thailand and western Malaysia - Continental margin deposits of Paleoeurasia - Reply. By WLADYSLAW ALTERMANN, Berlin::) I am sorry that I ,,missed the point,, in some of my remarks on STAUFFERS and LEES (1984) evidences for
pebbly mudstone palaeozoic - …
The Upper Paleozoic pebbly mudstone facies of peninsular Thailand and western Malaysia - Continental margin deposits of Palaeoeurasia - Discussion Series title Geologische Rundschau Published in: International Journal of Earth Sciences · 1987Authors: Peter H Stauffer · Lee Chai PengAffiliation: United States Geological Survey · University of MalayaAbout: Continental margin
The upper Palaeozoic pebbly mudstone facies of peninsular ...
SE-Asian ,,pebbly mudstone belt~,. This facies is strongly involved in slumps and soft sediment deformation and often exhibits various wa- ter overpressure structures. 4) Structureless pebbly mudstone to pebbly sand- stone. This is the most abundant facies in the Lower Formation.
The upper paleozoic pebbly mudstone facies of …
The upper paleozoic pebbly mudstone facies of peninsular Thailand and western Malaysia — Continental margin deposits of Paleoeurasia — Reply
The Upper Paleozoic pebbly mudstone facies of …
01-10-1987 · The Upper Paleozoic pebbly mudstone facies of peninsular Thailand and western Malaysia — Continental margin deposits of Palaeoeurasia — Discussion Stauffer, …
The upper paleozoic pebbly mudstone facies of …
01-10-1987 · The upper paleozoic pebbly mudstone facies of peninsular Thailand and western Malaysia — Continental margin deposits of Paleoeurasia — Reply Altermann, Wladyslaw; Abstract. Publication: Geologische Rundschau. Pub Date: October 1987 DOI: 10.1007/BF01821075 Bibcode: ...
(PDF) The Upper Paleozoic pebbly mudstone facies …
PDF | On Oct 1, 1987, Wladyslaw Altermann published The Upper Paleozoic pebbly mudstone facies of Peninsular Thailand and Western Malaysia–continental margin deposit of Paleoeurasia | Find, read ...
The Upper Palaeozoic pebbly mudstone facies of …
The Upper Palaeozoic pebbly mudstone facies of peninsular Thailand and western Malaysia - Continental margin deposits of Palaeoeurasia . ... Nature and classification of waterlain glaciogenic sediments, exemplified by Pleistocene, late Paleozoic and late Precambrian deposits.
(PDF) The Upper Palaeozoic pebbly mudstone …
Pebbly mudstone z vrtu Rataje-1 obsahuje ~24 % štěrku, ~18 % písku a ~58 % jílu+siltu. Podle klasifikace Nicholse (2009) se jedná o štěrkovitý kalovec (gravelly mudrock).
Pebbly mudstone | geology | Britannica
02-09-2020 · Other articles where Pebbly mudstone is discussed: sedimentary rock: Matrix-supported conglomerates: …rarer diamictites, known as laminated pebbly (or cobbly or bouldery) mudstones, consist of delicately laminated mudrocks in which scattered coarser clasts occur. Laminations within the muddy component are broken and bent. They are located beneath and adjacent to the larger clasts …
The upper Palaeozoic pebbly mudstone facies of …
01-06-1986 · The Phuket Group in Peninsular Thailand and the Singha Formation in NW Malaysia are of Devonian to Lower Permian age. These approximately 3000 m thick strata, which are part of the »SE-Asian pebbly mudstone belt« stretching from Southern Tibet to Sumatra, have been interpreted as continental margin deposits (Mitchell et al. 1970). In contrast, recent papers (Bunopas et al. …
through the entire Paleozoic and into the Triassic, rarely Jurassic. Orogenic deformation occurred mainly in late Triassic. LIT~OSTRATIGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OF PEBBLY.MUDSTONE UNITS Detailed stratigraphy and character of these pebbly mudstone-bearing units are in general poorly known because of their poor exposure, paucity
The Upper Paleozoic pebbly mudstone facies of …
01-10-1987 · Altermann, W. (1986): The Upper Paleozoic pebbly mudstone facies of peninsular Thailand and western Malaysia — Continental margin deposits of Palaeoeurasia. - Geol. Rdsch.,75/2, 371–381, Stuttgart. Google Scholar
The Upper Paleozoic pebbly mudstone facies of …
Altermann, Wladyslaw (1987): The Upper Paleozoic pebbly mudstone facies of peninsular Thailand and western Malaysia - Continental margin deposits of Paleoeurasia - Reply. In: Geologische Rundschau, Vol. 76, Nr. 3: S. 949-950
The Upper Paleozoic pebbly mudstone facies of ... - …
The Upper Paleozoic pebbly mudstone facies of peninsular Thailand and western Malaysia - Continental margin deposits of Paleoeurasia - Reply . By Wladyslaw Altermann. Download PDF (133 KB) ... Southeast Asia as a part of Early Paleozoic Gondwanaland.
mudstone malaysia -
The upper paleozoic pebbly mudstone facies of peninsular , In the stone on the pebbly mudstone deposits of Thailand and Malaysia (Geol Rdsch 75/2, 371-381) 1 tried to show that the circumstantial evidence for the glaciomarine origin of these sediments is mis- construed and all the ,,hints,, do not necessarily sup- port the glaciomarine origin I have also listed some
Mudstones - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Coal, dark mudstone, and marine carbonate gas-source rocks were produced during the Upper Paleozoic, Carboniferous-Permian Series (Chen, 2002; Li et al., 2005; Zhang et al., 2012b Li et al., 2005 Zhang et al., 2012b), and the natural gas of this Upper Paleozoic period is mainly coal-type gas.The methane content of the natural gas in the Upper Paleozoic period in the northeast increases ...
Mudstone - Wikipedia
Mudstone, a type of mudrock, is a fine-grained sedimentary rock whose original constituents were clays or muds. stone size is up to 0.063 millimetres (0.0025 in) with individual grains too small to be distinguished without a microscope. With increased pressure over time, the platy clay minerals may become aligned, with the appearance of fissility or parallel layering.
The age and paleobiogeography of brachiopod fauna ...
mudstone/shale-siltstone unit is thick mudstone followed by pebbly mudstone and thick sandstone (Fig. 2). This sandstone unit is then succeeded by the discussed brachiopod-bearing pebbly mudstone. The topmost ofthe sequence, overlying the discussed brachiopod bed, is massive mudstone bed with scattered pebbles and fossils.
mudstone malaysia -
The upper paleozoic pebbly mudstone facies of peninsular In the stone on the pebbly mudstone deposits of Thailand and Malaysia (Geol Rdsch 75/2, 371-381) 1 tried to show that the circumstantial evidence for the glaciomarine origin of these sediments is mis- construed and all the ,,hints,, do not necessarily sup- port the glaciomarine origin I have also listed some.