Stripping ratio - Wikipedia
In mining, stripping ratio or strip ratio refers to the ratio of the volume of overburden (or waste material) required to be handled in order to extract some tonnage of ore. For example, a 3:1 stripping ratio means that mining one tonne of ore will require mining three tonnes of waste rock.
stripping ratio calculation in mining
Aug 24 2017· In mining stripping ratio or strip ratio refers to the ratio of the volume of overburden (or waste material) required to be handled in order to extract some tonnage of ore For example a 3 1 . stripping ratio calculation in mining transportbielenbe
stripping ratio calculation in mining -
calculating stripping ratios mnge 315. what is stripping ratio coal mining ppt Posted at: June 27, 2013 [ 48 - 7655 Ratings ] Calculating Stripping Ratios for Area Strip Mines Mnge 315 Contact supplier Stripping ratio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In mining, stripping ratio or strip ratio refers to the ratio …
Stripping ratio and pit limit - Basic Mining …
The units for stripping ratios can vary and usually depends on the geological properties of the deposit and the commodity mined. It can be expressed in tonnes (t), or cubic meters (m 3).Usually for coal, cubic meters (m 3) or tonnes (t) are used.However, for hard rock mines where the geology is usually complex with the presence of various rock types, tonnage (t) is usually preferred.
How to calculate stripping ratio? - ResearchGate
For instance: If the thickness waste rock (overburden) is 100m and the thickness of coal is 50m then stripping ratio would be 2:1. That means one m3 (cubic meter) of coal would need mining two m3 ...
(PDF) Stripping Ratios, Pit Limits & Cutoff Grade ...
Stripping Ratios, Pit Limits & Cutoff Grade Optimization
stripping ratio calculation in mining - Sians Karaoke
Overall Stripping Ratio (OSR) Allowable Stripping Ratio (ASR) 5 3 26 5 The next scenario evaluated is the UG option alone The BCOG of the deposit was calculated applying the same equation used in the first scenario however changing the OP mining costs for UG mining costs and the result found was a BCOG of 1 33 g/t From the calculation of
Stripping Ratio Calculation In Mining
Stripping Ratio Calculation In Mining. We have unique technical advantages in crushing, beneficiation, grinding, building materials and other fields. Now we serve customers in more than 160 countries and regions around the world, making them obtain huge wealth.
Stripping Ratios: What are They and Why are They …
31-10-2018 · Stripping ratios arent often discussed, but they can be an early and important indicator for mining projects. Heres what investors should know about them.
Determining Stripping Ratio - Basic Mining …
The maximum allowable Stripping Ratio (SR max) defines break even stripping ratio (BESR).This represents the highest possible units of waste that can be handled. If the SR exceeds the BESR then the operation will be uneconomical as the income generated by the ore is insufficient to offset the costs incurred in mining.
stripping ratio calculation in mining - kosmetika …
stripping ratio calculation in mining. Other articles where Stripping ratio is discussed coal mining Choosing a mining method calculated with the aid of stripping ratios which represent the amount of waste material that must be removed to extract a given amount of coal Stripping ratios can also consider the selling price of coal and a certain minimum profit can be added to the total cost of ...
stripping ratio calculation in mining
Stripping ratio calculation in miningHenan Mining. 1 4 Stripping Ratio Ratio Surface Mining Scribd calculate various stripping ratios for given situations C Ap 3 explain the influence of stripping ratios on planning decisions A S 4 assess the most economic method of mineability of a deposit by surface mining or underground mining from the ...
Stripping ratio | mining | Britannica
05-09-2020 · Other articles where Stripping ratio is discussed: coal mining: Choosing a mining method: …calculated with the aid of stripping ratios, which represent the amount of waste material that must be removed to extract a given amount of coal. Stripping ratios can also consider the selling price of coal, and a certain minimum profit can be added to the total cost of producing and…
stripping ratio calculation in mining - MC World
Stripping ratio - Wikipedia. In mining, stripping ratio or strip ratio refers to the ratio of the volume of overburden (or waste material) required to be handled in order to extract some tonnage of ore. For example, a 3:1 stripping ratio means that mining one tonne of ore will require mining …
stripping ratio calculation in mining - courage …
stripping ratio calculation in mining. Home › stripping ratio calculation in mining; Accounting for stripping costs in the production phase - IFRS. treatment ... In mining, stripping ratio or strip ratio refers to the ratio of the volume of overburden (or waste material ...
what is stripping ratio coal mining -
what is stripping ratio coal mining ppt. A strip ratio, or stripping ratio, is an important measurement related to the open- pit mining process It represents the amount of waste material, also known as overburden, that must be moved in order to extract a given amount of ore...
what is stripping ratio coal mining crusher
what is stripping ratio coal mining crusher. sand fitering mchiones in the uk,what is stripping ratio . what is milling plant super performance for coal mills shanghai liming search results domestic grinding price in india cara menentukan fraksi aggregate pada asphalt mixing plant Sitemap baldric mining and constructionpany french company milling stamping rounding notching crusher bauxite ...
(PPT) Calculating Stripping Ratios for Area Strip …
Calculating Stripping Ratios for Area Strip Mines
Stripping Ratio | Mineral Production Activities ...
6. Stripping ratio . The main factor in designing a n open pit mine, which largely determines the cost of mining, is the stripping ratio.. Stripping is the removal of waste rock from above and around the orebody. Stripping ratio is defined as the tonnage of waste rock to be mined, divided by the tonnage of ore to be mined from the pit.